Digital Communication Manual

The 5 Biggest Marketing Mistakes That Keep Biotech Companies From Attracting More Customers, Investors, and Strategic Partners

And How to Fix Them Without Spending a Single Dollar on Ads or Improving Your Cold Emailing Strategies

A FREE, 5-day email course breaking down what you need to fix low website conversion rates, attract your ideal leads on LinkedIn (or X), and unlock the power of email marketing

Created by Cédric

  • Help biotech companies attract new leads through strategic educational email funnels

  • Doctor of pharmacy

  • Passionate about life sciences new discoveries

Here's an overview of everything we're going to learn inside this email course:

Day #1: Biotech companies only convert 1 to 3% of their website visitors
We will break down why most of them lose, at least, 97% of their website visitors every month (and how to fix it).
Bonus: I’ll show you the exact strategy behind one company that is converting 50 to 80% of their website visitors.
Day #2: They don't use LinkedIn or X (and when they do, it’s only to post company achievements or updates)
We will see why this isn’t the best way to drive the attention of the leads you want to attract (and what type of posts attract them).
We will also discuss how social media can become a networking event that never stops bringing new opportunities.
Bonus: Two examples that show why posting from a personal account is better than a company account.
Day #3: They don't have a newsletter (and when they do, it’s only to post company achievements or updates, additionally, it’s usually buried at the bottom of their website making it difficult to find, with no compelling offer in exchange for the email address)
By doing this, you don’t own your audience or build a relationship with them. Consequently, you miss the opportunity to stay top of mind when the lead is ready to act.
We will explore how to fix that issue and how to increase the number of newsletter subscribers.
Bonus: I will show why creating content will increase the ROI of ANY marketing effort (ad spending, cold emailing, trade show etc…).
Day #4: They don't leverage new communication technologies to drive more leads
I will explain the reasons why it happens, why this mistake leads to missed opportunities, lower competitiveness, and inefficiency (and how to fix it).
Bonus: I will show you the most important tool I use that will allow me to improve my communication strategies (and that tool is free).
Day #5: They overlook key data that can improve results
We will see the reasons why it happens, why this mistake leads to decision paralysis, inefficiency, and inability to track ROI (and how to fix it).
Bonus: I will share my strategy and show what data I will focus on to improve this email course in order to attract more leads for myself.

You will not only learn the reasons why all those mistakes happen, but I will also give you multiple tips you can immediately apply to fix or avoid those mistakes

Welcome! The first lesson of the Digital Communication Manual is on its way to your inbox.

Within the next five minutes, you're going to get an email from me (Cédric).This email contains instructions to get started with our email course, so be sure to check it out!

In the mean time...

I would love it if you could answer these 2 questions below (it should take you less than 1 minutes).Your answers will help me personalize the emails course you'll receive.

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